Partners Funding Blog

Job Growth - Partners Funding

Written by Brad Connor | Nov 14, 2018 1:49:32 PM

The following appeared in the 11.13.18 issue of the Minnesota Trucking Association newsletter and thought it was worth repeating here:

“According to the Department of Labor’s monthly Employment Situation Report, the for-hire trucking industry added another 2,400 jobs in October. That’s the sixth straight month that total for-hire trucking employment has gained and the 13th month out of the last 14.

In that time, the industry has added just under 40,000 jobs, with more than half that coming since May.

For-hire trucking employment totaled 1.4922 million in October – 36,600 jobs higher than the same month last year.

The U.S. economy as a whole added 250,000 jobs in the month, and the unemployment rate was 3.7 percent.

The manufacturing sector gained 32,000 jobs, and construction added 30,000 jobs. The umbrella group for truck transportation, the transportation and warehousing sector, added 24,800 jobs.”

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